Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Julia Karen turns 2

JK turned 2! We celebrated with presents and donuts first thing in the AM. She LOVES donuts and isn't too interested in cake or cupcakes yet just like her older brothers (not her mom). We kept trying to get her to open her presents but all she wanted was to stare and eventually lick all the donuts. She is starting to communicate (demand) more and loves to play with her older brothers. She is my little attachment and happily goes everywhere with me - just not the nursery at church (those happy people, snacks and toys terrify her). We are excited for this next year to watch her grow!


klonghall January 25, 2011 at 4:50 PM  

Oooooh, I want to reach through this monitor and eat one of those lucious doughnuts! We love you, JK!

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