Tuesday, October 12, 2010

For Julia

A few weeks ago my mom called to remind me that Julia's birthday was coming up. She wanted to know what we would be doing this year to honor her. We decided to participate in a walk and it happened that on the same day as Julia's birthday there was a walk for breast cancer - so we signed up. We didn't run, we just walked as a family. Before we left our house for the walk that day, the kids layed in bed with us and we told stories about their "munner". Mostly we told them about how much she loved them, what a great woman she was and that we should never forget her or the things she felt strongly for while she was living.

The next day, our cousins came for a short trip and together we had a dinner celebrating all things Munner. Each grandchild shared memories of her and Lars and Kim told stories about their mother. It was a wonderful weekend and although the loss of Julia is always painful, I love this new tradition of celebrating her each year on her birthday.

This tradition has sparked in me, probably for the very first time, (- gasp how am I a good mormon girl? -) the interest in teaching my children about geneology and their ancestors. As hard as it is, Lars has suggested a family night where we talk about my own dad - the life he lived and even the hardships that he faced before dying almost 7 years ago. I want my children to know and feel connected to those who have come before them. Family really is everything - and I hope I can teach my kids this.


Amanda October 12, 2010 at 3:30 PM  

Sweet girl, have I told you lately how much I love you and your wonderful family? You are amazing, and I am so glad that your darling kids will get to know Julia, and your dad, through your stories. I am sending big hugs your way!

The Allred Family October 12, 2010 at 9:41 PM  

What a sweet post. That seriously made me cry. I miss you and wish all of the time that we lived closer! thinking of you!

mar October 12, 2010 at 11:27 PM  

love you candi. seriously. love you.

Dana October 13, 2010 at 4:39 AM  

She is such a wonderful woman. I wasn't even part of the family but she sure made me feel like it!!!

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