So I mentioned in a previous post that I have had a rough time after the birth of Julia Karen, while I am not ready to reflect on the last three weeks and the struggles that I have had, I am ready to put in writing some of the things that have helped me through this trying time. These are things that I am eternally grateful for:
Christ's Atonement. Through these last weeks I have leaned on the knowledge that He not only suffered for our sins but for our pain also.
Prayers. There have been hard days when I literally ran to my knees and I have felt his comfort immediately
A Prophet and his Apostles. I know that God has given us a prophet and apostles on the earth today - and their words have strengthened and comforted me.
The Scriptures. They have brought me peace.
Lars and my Mom. I hate that they have to go through this with me, but they really do save me. Hour by hour they have held me and loved me. They have cried with me and helped me to believe that this will pass. I could never put into words how much I need and love them.
Family and Friends. I am very blessed to have my family and Lars' as well as the love of fantastic friends. I know that I am blessed. I hope that I can be half the daughter/sister and friend that others have been to me.
A closeness to my Dad. Most people know that my 'real' dad passed a couple days before Trey was born. I grew up with two dad's and my relationship with my real dad was at times strained. I didn't understand the choices he made in his life. Through these weeks of struggling I have felt a knowledge of the pain that my Dad struggled with here on Earth and I have grown closer to him.
So those are some of the things that I am grateful for through this 'time of trial'. And just in case anyone is wondering if I have missed the thing I should be most grateful for I posted the above picture so that all will know that Julia Karen is worth all of it. She and my boys are my joy. For whatever reason I have gone through this post-partum period, but I am learning and growing through it and I can almost (ALMOST) say that I am better for it....