Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fathers Day

While JK and I partied it up in Arizona for a friends wedding (pictures and blogging posts on that later), Lars and the boys spent Fathers Day weekend in Atlanta with his family. Our family celebrated Fathers Day earlier in the week with some friends, a steak dinner and new Wii games. I also wanted to do a special post for him - we'll see if he ever actually sees it....

I asked the boys their favorite thing about their Daddy and here is their responses (direct quotes):

Trey - He's Great! He let's me watch shows even if it is like 7:59. He plays with me.

Toby - He play a game. He play video games with me. He gives kisses and secret at night. (secret is when Lars tells the boys he has a secret to tell them - he gets real close and then bounces their beds right after tucking them in - they giggle every time.

If JK could talk I am sure her answer would be - he thinks I am the cutest thing in the world!

My thoughts on Lars - I don't think there could be a better dad. He is hands on and always has been. He loves, disciplines, sets boundaries, hugs and kisses, and completely adores his kids. I have seen him emotional 3 times in our marriage. The first was with worry for me after Trey was born. The second was regarding the pain and sadness that came from his mothers cancer and death and the third was when he felt his boy had been wronged. He loves with an intensity that can not be described. He is loyal and the best word I can think of to describe him is integrity. You know we adore Lars in our home because 5 o'clock rolls around and we are all out in our front room looking out the windows waiting for him to get home. The boys ask him each night if tomorrow is his day off.

We Love you daddy!

Love you Lars. Happy Fathers Day


Nicole Bolinger June 25, 2009 at 10:26 PM  

so sweet!! i went to a wedding fathers day weekend too! Too bad it wasn't the same one! ;) haha!

klonghall June 26, 2009 at 8:25 AM  

I've seen him in action and completely agree that Lars is one of the best dads EVER! Those 3 kids are completely enamored with their dad, and I'm pretty sure it goes both ways! He's also a rockin' Uncle. My kids get so excited to have him around. He makes every kid feel like they are his favorite. It's a gift!

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