Happy Birthday To ME
A couple weeks ago my friend Tomicka told me she wanted to take me out to dinner and a movie for my birthday. So this last Friday when she picked me up I was surprised to see a few of my other friends were coming too. I was even more surprised when she handed me a card that told me they were taking me to dinner at the BEACH!
I just kept saying; What? Really? and Are you SERIOUS? Then Lars handed me a bag that was packed and ready for a night away! Tomicka had even packed a beach bag for me with a new towel, float and a picture of JK and I framed from our last trip to the beach.
And then I almost cried - I was so overwhelmed, surprised, grateful, happy and SURPRISED!JK really wanted to go. But this was a NO kids trip.
This birthday may go down in the books as the most surprised I have ever been.
Thank you girls. Staying up until 2, sun-burning myself, learning how to do new things, California yogurt, and swimming in the ocean without a child in my arms - it was fantastic!
I am already getting excited for Time Out for Women in Atlanta this fall - whose in?