Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer 2012

Memories from the summer 2012: Spent time at temple square in SLC for my birthday (and some shopping at city creek) Not pictured: Trip to Kirkham hot springs where Lars took jumping in the freezing rapids up a notch and then dared us all to do the same - Roaring Springs day was a blast, we want to always remember how Trey was on an adrenaline rush for 2 days after and couldn't stop talking about the slides - bike rides with the whole family - the Saturday morning farmers market - BSU camps for the kids, 3 weeks on the campus each morning was perfect for everyone, Tammy even had me running a 5k by the summers end! We love our summer time out west. BYU, PoJo's, drive in movies, trips to the fountain, family reunions, cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles life is great!


mar June 30, 2013 at 8:54 PM  

I was SO excited to see all the new blog posts!!! I miss you so much and cannot believe how big your kids are.

Love, love love you!

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